Ethereum Mining is Dead�

  • 1 year ago
  • Ethereum
  • 611Vues
Ethereum mining is DEAD, Ethereum is no longer mineable and Ethereum has created one of the biggest waves of e-waste we have ever seen. What does no more ETH mining mean for Ethereum, other mineable coins, and cryptocurrency as a whole? Sub! Get $25 free when you Buy and Sell Ethereum on Gemini! After more than six years, the Ethereum devs finally made the Merge a reality. This means that Ethereum mining has now officially come to an end - there is no more mining of the Ethereum $ETH coin. Although there have been many forks and new coins emerging to capitalize on this switch, Ethereum will never be mineable again. This is a momentous occurrence for cryptocurrency as a whole, as there is now only one major mineable coin left standing - Bitcoin. Mining Ethereum was what got me into cryptocurrency over five years ago, so I am naturally very sad to see it go - but what does it mean for the crypto and mining ecosystem? Today I want to go over
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