Will Ethereum Break Like Terra Luna?

  • 1 year ago
  • Ethereum
  • 423Visualizzazioni
Get the "Ultimate Guide to Bitcoin" course: https://www.trader.university/courses/38824-the-ultimate-guide-to-bitcoin Use the discount code YT99 to get the best price. In this video, I discuss the fragility of protocols that run on proof of stake, like Ethereum. The lower Ethereum's price falls, the more people will choose to unstake their coins, which further erodes Ethereum's security and could lead to a death spiral. By contrast, capital deployed into the Bitcoin mining ecosystem remains there and cannot be withdrawn in the same way. Bitcoin mining machines (ASICs) can stick around for 6 years, and profit margins for ASIC manufacturers get reinvested into producing more powerful and efficient new ASICs thanks to human ingenuity and Moore's Law. Because these ASICs have only one use (mining Bitcoin), the capital cannot flee the Bitcoin mining ecosystem as easily or as quickly as staked deposits can flee the Ethereum staking ecosystem (once withdrawals are allowed by Ethereum dev
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Ethereum is a technology for building apps and organizations, holding assets, transacting ...



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