  • 1 year ago
  • Terra Classic
  • 1258Views
volume of luc over $100 million in volume He added that it was great to see him come out. Let's get TP to put on your knowledge 335 million people the volume you are in right now 24 hourly translation over 100 million It's really a beautiful sight to
volume of luc over $100 million in volume He added that it was great to see him come out. Let's get TP to put on your knowledge 335 million people the volume you are in right now 24 hourly translation over 100 million It's really a beautiful sight to come out friends, on the other hand, is the most important Coming to our topic, for Smart Stay you have a very nice tweety and and unity a site link that left that site link We will examine it for you shortly. now says Smart boat 82 billion 835 Million Thin's are now being Stick when he is no longer piccadilly 3-4 hours when you heard 303 million before Stacked Tea So 250 cards increased says, as you know, friends 303 with million dunces started single trade as of now it is 250 times 60 and 82 billion 835 million lunca currently Striking figure small stacking The number is small but it's a good start. your friends also added that here is a the site has left us to this site now Terra classic performance when we enter analysis Site here we see the point is that friends duncan's Look at this your thinking of graphics Taking chart ie Stick dates and how long requested from this chart we can observe we share in take a look at friends in the distribution section modes validator and other validator s appear here in the distribution of shares write which investor which verifier Tekin that separated them even more You see, there is a correct logic here. If you want to staging via which validator stacking more if done, make the validator Smart it might make more sense at this point here See we should get validator Share higher friends you see here small rectangles s numerator is less We can say that it shows, look at this point brass knuckles Oho Orion mania So most of them validator friends skip the validator is in the graph like I said how much flour C in the lower part where it is stacked the dates have been given, friends are up again when we come out the main part here is the total You can see the amount of strikes here see dunces Taking a prince You can see the other parameters here You can check the link of the site You can find it on Telegram So guys, sum it up now to say it again Tweety When we return, we find 82 billion in Instagram Yes, this number has started now. its reflection on the numbers to increase has yet to be we can say that it has not happened, the figures are still 30 12s so Tunceli price numbers But that's also as soon as Duncan request processing as it occurs it happened friends this site profit from the transaction will be reflected For the price of İnce, you're comfortable with that. may already be in the chain to this day You are the biggest reason In fact, the project as a community for standing behind we can see these days of thought all together So here's to all of you I want to thank you duncan stand behind and be patient friends for supporting this all investors including me like i said long investors huh I hope good days will come I hope it will come soon we win what we lost my friends it's still hot during the day huh this is quite I will continue to share with you
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