A Viral Clicker Game in Telegram with Real-World Crypto Rewards With NotCoin

  • 24 days ago
  • Notcoin
  • 210Ansichten
Notcoin is a viral clicker game within the Telegram messaging app where users can earn tokens that will eventually be converted into crypto tokens with real-world value.

Notcoin is a viral clicker game within the Telegram messaging app where users can earn tokens that will eventually be converted into crypto tokens with real-world value.

What is Open Network (TON)?

Open Network (TON) is a decentralized blockchain ecosystem. Besides hosting the Notcoin game, the TON blockchain hosts various DeFi applications, games, NFTs, and other web3 projects.

Notcoin's Goals

Sasha Plotvinov, co-founder of Notcoin, describes it as an experiment in token distribution. With many new tokens being bought up by institutional investors, many new cryptos struggle to reach their tokens to real community members. Notcoin hopes that turning token distribution into a game will provide a fairer and more direct way to obtain tokens. Since the tokens are only accessible to those playing the app, Plotvinov hopes the project can reward TON Foundation members in a fun way.

Another goal of the Notcoin crypto project is to simplify the launch of the crypto system. Plotvinov believes that many airdrops are manipulated by crypto whales and social media influencers. The Notcoin team aims to avoid falling into marketing cycles, creating detailed closed beta systems, avoiding following investors, and promising promising massive features. They work with the slogan "What you see is what you get." Plotvinov hopes this will prevent price manipulation and make the launch less complex.

How Does Notcoin Work?

People can access Notcoin by downloading and opening the Telegram messaging app. The clicker game allows you to earn tokens by completing simple tasks and tapping on a coin icon. Each tap results in a Notcoin being added to your account. Tapping decreases your energy limit, but the limit refills when you're not tapping.

Notcoin provides players with six free supports per day. This can maximize their tapping abilities and refill their energy limits. Players can spend in-game coins to get paid support. There is no way to increase energy limits with real-world currency. Therefore, only Notcoin players can buy advantages. Telegram Premium users can enjoy some extra benefits, such as bonus token earnings. Players who earn a lot of digital currencies can enter various ranks, such as Silver or Platinum.

Upcoming Airdrop NOT

Users who participate in the Notcoin clicker game and complete simple tasks like tapping on the coin icon can participate in the airdrop. Notcoin has been teasing this airdrop through social media and the TON Foundation for the past few days, but has not specified when the official announcement will take place. The only thing the team has confirmed is that the airdrop will happen sometime in the first two weeks of April.

Token Economy NOT

Notcoin plans to convert the in-game currency into crypto tokens called NOT. Instead of converting one Notcoin to one NOT token, the project will adjust the exchange rate based on how many users are mining Notcoin. The exact conversion rate has not yet been publicly shared.

Additionally, there is not much information on how the NOT token economy will work. Notcoin is dedicated to providing a simple and smooth experience without long technical papers or extravagant marketing campaigns. Therefore, users do not know exactly how the tokens will be distributed or what the token supply will look like. So far, nearly 8.9 trillion Notcoins have been mined, but since the app burns Notcoins from inactive accounts, the final total NOT may look slightly different.

Popularity of NOT

When Notcoin was launched in early January 2024, its team did not do much to market it. However, Telegram users noticed the new game and started reviewing it. The closed beta and referral system reached 550,000 users. After its official release, Notcoin reached a total of 6.3 million users solely through word of mouth within 10 days. As more people tried the game themselves, its addictiveness and fun spread.

The main appeal for many users is the competition with each other. People enjoyed boasting about being in the Silver league or having a higher energy limit than their friends. This was so effective that Notcoin now has a player base of over 30 million users. One-third of Telegram Premium members play Notcoin, and it has become one of the most popular TON ecosystem crypto projects since its official launch.

Where to Buy?

Although the crypto project has not yet been released, the Notcoin community has allowed pre-market coupons to be released. These represent in-game currency and can be traded AFTER the airdrop. Bybit is one of the first exchanges to list coupons for NOT publicly. If you have a Bybit account, Bybit will adjust pre-market orders after the conversion rate is announced. This way, buyers can be sure they are getting the same value as the rest of the Notcoin community.

Is it a Good Investment?

Notcoin is one of the most original meme coin crypto projects to emerge in 2024. The main appeal of this coin is that its addictive clicker game has attracted a lot of positive press for the Notcoin project. With millions of users looking to make money through the game and the reputation of TON backing it, all these factors make it a potentially promising investment.

However, like many other meme coins, the Notcoin project carries a significant risk. There is almost no information available about its design or future plans, and it has no real utility beyond entertainment. There is likely to be extreme volatility after the NOT token airdrop, and the coin is unlikely to see long-term growth. Additionally, the fact that the official launch should have taken place in early April has led some users to worry that the Notcoin project could be an elaborate joke for April.

In conclusion, it's worth checking out Notcoin if you're interested in popular meme coins with a lot of private fans. Of course, if you're thinking of investing, you need to be careful. Avoid overextending yourself and investing more money than you can afford to lose. If possible, consider some risk mitigation strategies like portfolio diversification before investing in NOT or any potential investment. As with all potential investments, do your homework

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